Saturday, March 14, 2009

So Little Time

I am only able to make it to rehearsals of my newest production at the Hamner Theatre in Nelson County, Virginia about once a week. The first time I made it down there the company had been working about two weeks on the play. It was a remarkable experience as it felt to me what it must be like to rediscover a child you gave up for adoption some years later. The play, on its feet and in the hands of all the artists, had grown so much in two weeks. In some ways I barely recognized it! The words were all the same, but the actors were coming alive. I felt like I had missed so much. And I had. And I am. On the one hand it's exciting, but I can only imagine what adjustments I might be making if I was there to witness the work and struggles all the artists must go through with a new script. Still, it's exciting to see it grow, even without me. It's a wonderful gift to have a production of your work, but there is also so much to be learned (both about this play and writing in general) by attending as many rehearsals as one can. But there is only so much time and the drive takes about 2 1/2 hours.

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