Thursday, September 12, 2013

Marketing Resources

In today's world of marketing, publishing and getting produced, the author (in this case) has to do much of the work him or herself. That is the grim reality. It used to be that high on the playwright's list of resources to acquire was the Dramatist Guild Resource Directory, which may still be true today. But in addition there are a LOT of online resources and those resources are growing everyday. I am not an expert at marketing and I am not claiming this is anywhere near comprehensive. Much of it was taken from an email that Gary Garrison of the Dramatist Guild sent out when he brought the ever-useful "The Loop" to an end.

In addition to some of the resources below, the playwright interested in marketing themselves may want to consider LinkedIn and Facebook, if he or she hasn't yet signed on. Both offer groups that allow you to network with like-minded individuals as well as provide information useful to the playwright trying to get work out there.

Here are some online resources to get started:

Submission Calendar 
A calendar for deadlines

The Center for Theatre Commons
(also referred to as HowlRound)  See their about page for an explanation.
This site promotes not-for-profit theatre and new plays.

An online community for writers.

Other sites:

Playwrights' Center
Emerging Playwrights
Northwest Playwrights Alliance
The Playwrights Realm Gang

Miscellaneous other sites:

The Playwright’s Forum
(see "Markets and Marketing" two-thirds of the way down the page)
Playwriting Opportunities for the E-Merging Writer
The Burryman Writer’s Center
En Avant Playwrights Board
America Association of Community Theatre